Jak przebiegają prace z BioCloner Desktop Pro na PW?
Kilka miesięcy temu na Politechnice Warszawskiej, miało miejsce pierwsze wdrożenie autorskiego BioCloner Desktop Pro. Jak przebiegają badania z wykorzystaniem naszej biodrukarki 3D?
Kilka miesięcy temu na Politechnice Warszawskiej, miało miejsce pierwsze wdrożenie autorskiego BioCloner Desktop Pro. Jak przebiegają badania z wykorzystaniem naszej biodrukarki 3D?
Our company successfully implemented its original 3D bioprinting technology by introducing the BioCloner Desktop Pro at the Medical University of Warsaw (WUM) and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków.
Kilka dni temu, członek zarządu BioCloner Health, Maciej Gołaszewski, udzielił wywiadu dla WPROST.
During our daily tests, we use proprietary 3D bioprinting technology, which makes it possible to create structures that mimic human organs.
We are thrilled to announce that from now on, 45stages will be known as BioCloner Health. This exciting transition is the culmination of our growth and fills us with great enthusiasm for the future steps we plan to take.
In recent days, we had the opportunity to conduct numerous tests of our prototype 3D bioprinter solution, BioCloner Desktop, at the E.J. Brzeziński Biomedical Engineering Laboratory at the Warsaw University of Technology (Faculty of Mechanical and Technological Engineering)
The desktop solution dedicated to printing cylindrical three-dimensional structures,
We are proud to announce that we have officially begun working on a project, the objective of which is to develop a device that will be used in the R&D activities carried out at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Warsaw University of Technology!
We encourage everyone interested to follow our current activity on social media!