Kilka dni temu, członek zarządu BioCloner Health, Maciej Gołaszewski, udzielił wywiadu dla WPROST.
Category Archives: Company
Członek Zarządu BioCloner Health – nowy mentor InCredibles
Członek Zarządu BioCloner Health, Maciej Gołaszewski, dołączył niedawno do programu mentoringowego InCredibles.
Rekrutacja w BioCloner Health
Dołącz do nas i pracuj nad innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami!
We are joining the NTMed Cluster CEZAMAT PW!
Thank you for the wonderful conference!
18 czerwca mieliśmy zaszczyt dołączyć do Klastra NTMed CEZAMAT PW, którego celem jest wspieranie innowacyjnych rozwiązań w dziedzinie medycyny.
Stay with us on Instagram!
Stay with us on Instagram!
Follow us on Instagram, where we will share the latest updates!
Two days full of excitement: Impact CEE
Impact CEE is one of the most important events of the year, attracting experts and leaders from various industries worldwide. It is a global forum where innovation meets business, and inspiring ideas have the chance to turn into real projects.
45stages changes its name to BioCloner Health
We are thrilled to announce that from now on, 45stages will be known as BioCloner Health. This exciting transition is the culmination of our growth and fills us with great enthusiasm for the future steps we plan to take.
Happy Easter!
With the upcoming holidays, we wish You happiness, peace and most importantly, happy Easter!
Recruiting at 45stages!
We are currently looking for a person for the position: Junior application engineer
PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 audit completed successfully!
With pride, we announce that once again, the audit of our Production Department confirming the compliance of the implemented quality management system with the PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard has been successful.